Wednesday, 13 May 2009

How to stay on the simple path - Preparation

Yesterday's post on temptation showed that we are all prone to little slips on the journey to a simpler life so how can we help ourselves to stay on course?

Whether your simple goals are to simplify, have more free time, save money, spend time with family, most temptation problems can be overcome by a few simple changes in your lifestyle. I will look at each of these in turn.....

  • Preparation
  • Organisation
  • Routine
  • Simplifying
  • Support
  • Community
  • Knowledge


I am a planner and a list person, I write list after list after list... In lots of areas I think about something for ages before I do it. But sometimes in life I can't see the problem at all, I haven't prepared!!As my mum will remind me constantly,

'Eliminating the temptation before it arises is a hundred times better than dealing with it once its there'.

My kids always played up after school because they were hungry (no preparation on my front). Using preparation we can sort this one easily, we need to be prepared before we turn up at school with a snack.

As with anything on this journey, you can look at your goals and choose how deeply you want to do this you may decide it is important the 'food' is a piece of fruit or that there will be wholemeal muffins baked at the weekend as a family time activity!

Quick fix:- call in at shop next door and buy sweets/ crisps/ cakes
Intermediate Solution :- turn up at school with some food brought from home.
Simple Living Solution :- bring a homemade snack to school.

I hope you can see how this theory would work across the board.

What preparation tips do you have that you could share?


  1. One thing that's always prepared in our house is 'things for morning'. It's such a rush to get out the door to school/work that I always make sure that clothes are ready the night before. That's for the kids and for myself. Bags too are always prepared, dinner money, school books, homework etc. This means that we have more time to slow down with breakfast and as we're not rushing around we are all in happier moods.

  2. Yes, I can definitely tell which mornings I've gone to bed early the night before and not prepared school things first or neglected to sort my clothes to wear!!
    Do you all breakfast together Jo?

  3. Unfortunately not. I'm up and out for work before anyone else is up on two mornings a week, and the rest of the week my son is off to school before my daughter is up. He is at high school and they have an early start and finish, but my daughter will be joining him in September so that will make breakfast times easier.
