Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Its very nearly that time of year again when the hedgerows are abundant with Elderflowers. They are still only little green buds around here but I'm hearing rumours that elsewhere they are in flower!!!

Here's a quick recipe to get you started..

Elderflower Champagne

10 Elderflower heads
2 Lemons (sliced)
8 pints (3.5 litres) of water
1.5 lb (700g) sugar
2 tbsp white wine vinegar
Put elderflower heads and lemons in a clean bucket and pour on the water.
Leave to soak for 24 - 36 hours.
Strain through a sterile cloth (or muslin) and add sugar and vinegar.
Stir until sugar is completely dissolved and pour into screw-top bottles. L
eave tops slightly loose for 10 to 14 days or undo daily (one of mine popped its own!!)
Drinkable after a fortnight but better after 2 to 3 months.
Serve chilled.
Hmm, that reminds me........ I think I may still have a bottle from last year in the garage!!!


  1. Thanks for posting this it sounds great and relatively easy - must try it, this is a bit of a silly question but do you put the whole head of the flower in or just the petals? I'm a total novice!

  2. No such thing as a silly question ! I only made it for the first time last year and wondered the same!
    You put the whole head in :)
